Thursday, February 7, 2008


Ah,my favourity subject: ENGINEERING. Now come on dont ask me WHAT IS IT?

"Engineering is the discipline of acquiring and applying scientific and technical knowledge to the design, analysis, and/or construction of works for practical purposes"

The above is one of the basic definition of engineering. It is a methodology where an engineer applies all the laws of the nature in a practical manner to invent something.

But in india, the scenario is different. Here, people study engineering not to create something,but to earn a mediocre living job. The very basic motivation to become an engineer in india is that after getting the degree,join a firm and do a menial work. So basically,an engineer in india is somewhat a kind of technician.

Now,if you are saying that i am a bit cynic or pessimist here,then hello, i will counter argue that not a single invention has come from post colonial india,forget that,not a single invention was there in indian when britishes acquired us wherein britons invented all the heavy machineries which was the basic impetus for industrial engineering. All those big machines,crankshafts,pistons happened in EUROPE.

Now, the current job market in india is IT. So obviously people will study IT. IT practically involved the discplines related to the flow of information processing in such a manner that virtually it should appear that people are passin information as if they are talking. but in india,people choose IT industry to earn. it is hot field in india. And hello,no one is a hard core programmer here,indians have a habit to brag their achivement a bit higher. Here,they are coders,a dumb thing to do. Awards are given for appeasement and mediocrity. The only thing is just say yes to everything. Dont act smart. No wonder that we still are in pursuit of original engineers in india.

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