Saturday, April 12, 2014

Well, A post on me:

About Me:

-)   Who Am I?

     I am Radhakrishn Rao Lambu, s/o Mr L Amarnath, whose ancestors were land lords and migrated from        eastern UP/Ganga   Narmada Belt

- What's your Identity, Genelogy?

->  I belong to Deshastha Brahmin clan, follower of Advaith. Gotr is Bharadwaj, Vedic Shakha -> Shukl      Yajurved

- Who's your LORD?


-> What do you do by Proffession?

- I studied Engineering, and practice it, besides, I am trying to promote DIY/MAKER/HACKER culture.

->  What's your favorite language?

- Sanskrit, and I know, I must learn this language, in order to achieve something regarding my birth status. Apart from that, I hold neutral views for other languages, and there is no specific bias or prejudice for any language, which I use in my day to day life, to talk, to write.

-> Why did you choose to study Engineering?

-   Ever since I started looking around the marvels of the world, I got fascinated with it. The machines, car,auto mobiles, television, refrigerator and all the gadgets, they make our lives easier. Imaging, our life without mobile phones now, though lot of people will tell us about its impact. And I know one thing, all this is not possible without the Engineering Mind. It is the Engineer who applies his mind, and skills, and  not only uses science and technology, but other disciplines  also, to MAKE a thing which would solve the day to day problems, secures the nation, moves the thing on earth so that people get connected. It is the thought, to make lives better for others with amazing invention, that brought me to study and pursue Engineering.

-> What is the opinion which you have on the Engineering aspect of India?

- India needs Engineer very badly, in order to get the system straight. A country, where Engineers are not given respected always lag behind, in the darkness, and will remain a THIRD WORLD NATION. Indians must realize that it is not about working as a clerk in a software factory to earn some peanuts, but a marvellous idea, which sustains and survives even after death. Also, the disconnect between industry and the engineering graduates is something which must be get corrected. It is really not possible to work for like 20 hours, in day, for a donkey work. The only way to get things corrected is to do the Engineering right, and that's through Education, and that happens only in College.

-> What are the factors which you think are responsible for this sorry state?

- As I had written above, Engineering is only seen as a way to earn money, and people don't mind doing any donkey work for that. This must change, otherwise, there will be no difference between an Engineer, and a lay man, though, to design something, Engineers have to work as a lay man, but not for long. Engineers are supposed to write technical papers, publish journals. They must practice their Engineering.

- Industry too must change their views. It is not about exploiting people to get the bills and profits high, but trying to make a difference. The very reason that why corporation comes into picture is through an idea, though, profit margins are their priority, but they bet on Ideas. Indian corporates never allow their people to work like thinkers.

- There should be a change in the education system. Currently, it still uses the same approach, which colonizers implemented and focuses on awarding degrees. They had a purpose, to produce clerks and servants, who would help manage the empire. They have left, but legacy survives. Also, one may have a degree, which is very easy to get also, in India now a days, as it is not earned, but it does not mean that they may have knowledge, due to which ,those people who have talent  remain unrecognised. India will never ever become super power by using a foreign language, and implementing foreign technology. The technology which solves problem of USA/UK will never work here, because, the society there and here is different. India must make its own technology, and this will be possible only when young minds are taught properly, by exposing them. Unfortunately, this is not happening.

- Parents also must change their attitude, and must not pressurise their kids to become an Engineer. Due to this, we have got so many third graded Engineering colleges who are mass producing Engineers. It is becoming extremely difficult for the corporations to find and get talented Engineers, as due to this herd mentality, good Engineers do get left out. Remember, it is your kid who is important, just love him/her the way they are, not what they are. There's nothing wrong if he/she is not an Engineer, and trust me, being an Engineer is also not an easy task.

- Students also must not take Engineering education lightly. It is not about roaming in colleges, girlfriend, boyfriend, going to movies etc, but what you want to do. This is not a community based education, but Engineering education, which needs higher IQ also.

-> Who are the people who inspires/inspired you?

- ADI GURU Shankaracharya
- Chanakya
- Rishi Bharadwaj
- Brihaspati Acharya
 - Guru Shukra
- Madhava Rao Peshwa 'BILLA'
- M S vishveshwarya
- Narayan Murthy
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- Rishi Vidyaranya
- Samarth Swami Ramdas
- Bankim da
- V S Naipul
- Nikola Tesla
- Tim berners lee
- Steve Mann

-> What are the things which interests you?

   - Coding/Programming/Hacking/Making.
   - Gymming
   - Biking
   - Team building activities
   - Attending hackathons.
   - Reading scientific articles/papers, and thinking on them
   - Sanskrit Language, which I must start to immediately.
   - Researching on Vedic knowledge, though, internet is not a source which can be trusted on this.
   - Deciphering the history, which has been misinterpreted, especially, by the vested interests.

-> Why do you think Indian Industry lags behind?

- Indians don't have work ethics.
- Indians don't know how to work professionally, personal and professional things gets mixed up.
- Ability to work in teams is zilch here.
- The way Indian industrialists treats their employees is also another factor, which must be corrected.
- Research culture is not promoted, encouraged, it is always easy way out. In the end, no innovation comes out which is really shameful.

-> Why do you hate the work done in service industry, I think they are feeding the stomachs of millions of people of India?

- This is exactly the reason which I hate, how does their feeding the stomach of other people make them great? Are we so much dumb that we do all the shitty work thrown on us? Why don't we Indians rise up and do something meaningful, instead of thinking about belly and all. The only reason why IT industry rose into prominence was the fact that they got the work from foreign clients, due to which, the rupee value got inflated, and were able to send people abroad. People started earning more in young age, though, this by no means is a salary which is huge, but due to inflated value, looked huge. But at the end of the day, the work which these service sector do is low level grunt work. Now, I don't mind if someone has no option in life, could not study further, so they can do it. But Engineers working in these software factory? It does not make any sense at all, besides, that's not the kind of work which Indians also must look upto if they really want to be lablled as IT superpower.

-> One thing which must get corrected in Indian Industry?

- I have no idea on the manufacturing or NON-IT based industry, but for IT, I will definitely say that strict labour laws must get implemented, otherwise, these IT companies will suck the blood out of the youngsters, by giving them low level work, and those who will oppose, will be seen as stupid, useless fellow, which is quite the opposite to be frank.

-> Now where are you heading towards?

- As I have said, I chose Engineering to make a difference, hence, I am focussing my attention to build a MAKERSPACE. MAKERSPACE is a place where group of DIY enthusiast or like minded people come together, learn a concept, implement, explore the technologies which are totally unrelated. design a prototype and form a community to expand it. I believe that this is the 'THIRD INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION' and the biggest ethnography factor which will make this MAKER MOVEMENT successful is the community.

-> What's this MAKER MOVEMENT?

- It is a DIY led community based movement where groups form teams, work, collaborate, and explore new things.

-> Why is this going to be successful?

- People really enjoy exploring the things,and doing things by yourself, getting the hands dirty, always give the personal joy and satisfaction.

-> What made this MAKER MOVEMENT possible?

- Internet

-> So you think the FUTURE is MAKE?

- Yes it is.

-> Also, what's the implication of MAKER MOVEMENT, India and Indians?

-  After checking the history, though, may be of India or not, as I don't believe in marxist version of history, I can say one thing, the people in the past were MAKERS. It is not a new thing, it is getting reinvented. So MAKING is something which is part of civilization themselves, and based on their needs, people make. Britons needs steam engine, so they made. The only thing which needs to be figured out here is that what do Indians need to MAKE.

-> What's the name of the makerspace which you are trying to setup?

- It is known as the 'BMOSC' Bangalore MakeSpace and Open Source Creativity.

-> It appears that you advocate open source?

- Yes, I will explain. The DIY and the MAKER MOVEMENT is the culture which happened due to the promotion of open source. Just like INTERNET  and web ended the mass monopoly of the communications and entertainment industry, the open source hardware has ended the monopoly of the manufacturers, as there are no OEMs now. What internet has done is that the design and the schematics of the hardware is shared over the web, which can be downloaded, hacked, and further extended. The files are always shared under Creative Common Licenses.

-> Which software programming languages/tools you like/love and use?

- Python
- R
- Ubuntu
- Arduino
- Processing
- C
- C++
- No Sql

-> Any other thing which you would like to share regarding  MAKERSPACE?

- Would like to form CENTRE OF SOCIETY, TECHNOLOGY, MAKESPACE in India, where the research work will be conducted, on what India needs, what are the technology which is needed, and how society can get benefit out of it, also what are the technology which Indian society wants in order to MAKE.

-> Regarding your personal life?

- I am married, and have a daughter.

-> Do you eat non veg?

- I adhere to strict vegetarian diet, though,  eat onions,garlics which I will quit in the future.

-> And drinks?

- I am tea teetotaller.

-> Reason being?

- What's the need of doing such thing, when I am intoxicated with  my own thoughts and dreams.

-> Your favorite movie?

- There are more than dozens, but the movies which I like the most is Taare Zameen Par and No Smoking.

-> You favorite music?

- Turkish Genre

-> Your favorite food?

- Rajma

-> You favorite destination?

- Udupi

-> Things which you hate most?

- Mis interpretation of the vedic knowledge by the people to suit and serve their diabolical interets.
- Not respecting one's ability
- Talking about meritocracy but showing nepotism.
- Not respecting time.
- Overweight and obesity
- Hypocrisy, only talking, not doing work.

-> Your Political Views?-

- I support extreme right wing, though with balance.

-> Your thoughts on democracy?

- To be honest, I am not a big fan of democracy, as it gives power and opportunity to those who can abuse it. Though, I will also say, that Indian democracy is of this nature. In reality, in a perfect democratic setup, it is the university or the intellectual place, which governs and make laws/policy and the work of bureaucrats is to make sure that the governance laws laid down by  the intellectuals are upheld.

-> Who are your favorite coders/programmers/hackers?

- I have no clue about the Indian programmer, so I am inspired by the works of Tim Berners Lee and Zed Shaw, and even Sean Parker.

-> What's your dream project/hack?

- My dream hack on which I really want to work is to get the information of myself, I mean, my genetic history. This will be the combination of Physical Computing, Bio informatics,physics,chemistry and data science. My aim is to map my physical information in digital format, which then will be used to explore my genetic engineering, and produce my information in real time, and want to trace my genealogy

-> Your motto?

- Bringing technology to the masses, especially Indian people, using which, they will make the thing which they want.

-> Any message you want to convey?

उद्यमेन हि सिध्यन्ति कार्याणि न मनोरथैः ।
न हि सुप्तस्य सिंहस्य प्रविशन्ति मुखे मृगाः ।। 27

-> How you want to sign off?


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